Sunday, January 25, 2009

Surprising things I see in church

The church congregation Steve and I attend meets at Buninyong Town Hall, built in 1848. A gorgeous building, it sports fancy work on the ceiling as shown below, as well as other scrollwork, woodwork, and other touches approved by generations of lawmakers over the years.

I like the place we meet. It's historic, homey, and cool on most Sunday mornings.
But, in an old building such as this, one can sometimes have the feeling you're being watched. I did. And I was right. After the service, I found this...

...a big, hairy Huntsman spider about the size of an adult hand. Maybe it's radioactive. Maybe it's preparing to launch a bomb...that gaze is glowing. Anyway, it's watching me scrunch myself up along the wall and exit the hallway...after I took the photo.

I know they're harmless, but they don't LOOK harmless. They only bite if they're mad, and even then it's as harmless as a mosquito I'm told.

As my 14-month-old granddaughter would say..."eeewwwww."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. No doubt! That spider is creepy! Pretty pic of the church.


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