Sunday, March 15, 2009


I think it's a shame,

that I would judge
my ponderings

on others'

by comments,
whether four or one or none

from family or friends
or strangers.

Do I need to justify
my words or my heart?

Does silence mean
that no one

is interested in my
mind's meanderings?

Perhaps quiet means that
satisfaction is gained...

Nothing more to add.

I hope it's the latter.

I will write.

To do anything else would
leave me hollow.


  1. Keep writing, please!! I love to hear your heart through your words. It's a beautiful and innate talent that God has give you.

  2. Thanks so much for the encouragement. I needed it. :)

  3. If you don't write I do not know what is happening in your life. When you don not write I worry about you it tis who my girlfriend is. I would miss it!!

  4. Thanks so much anonymous. I wish I knew who you are. :) I struggle sometimes, but am mostly doing okay. I'll try to do better about keeping up-to-date. I don't want anyone to worry about me.


What are your ponderings?