Monday, September 21, 2009


So this is why: "...writing itself is a mixed blessing. We, who are addicted, berate ourselves and feel guilty when we don't write, at the same time put it off and hunt for diversions. Why? Because the thing that makes us happiest is also tedious, frustrating, and hard. Writing makes us crazy; not writing even crazier." --Marcia Preston

Such is the stuff of my life.

How do I help a non-writer mate understand that?

It's beyond my scope of capabilities.

I pray.

That's all I can do.

And I write.


  1. I like the point here. I just heard an interview with Toni Morrison about writing and the woman asked her if it brought happiness. Toni mentioned every emotion besides happiness and when asked again she said flat out, "No". It sounded odd to me, but it makes perfect sense. Miss you.

  2. This is why your mother is nuts, my son! I write. I miss you too. Wish I could feel your furry cheek on my face. XXOO


What are your ponderings?