Friday, January 9, 2009

A child's observation

I recently read a journal of mine from the 1990s, and came across a bit of funny.

A friend of mine at that time had a daughter the same age as my daughter, Kimberly. Alexis and Kimberly became best friends for awhile, and they still stay in touch periodically. Both are single moms.

Anyway, the backseat conversation of 10-year-old girls on the way to church was this:

Kimberly: "I don't know why I keep doing that. It's a really bad habitat."

Alexis: "I think you mean habit, silly! A habitat is when squirrels gather nuts."

1 comment:

  1. this is hilarious!!! those two were so much hind sight. in the moment they were the bane of my existence.


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