Monday, February 2, 2009

30 things

Okay, I'm stealing another idea from my daughter-in-law, Naomi. But she's such a wise young woman, and I think these exercises in really thinking about oneself and one's life-mate is a good idea. It's never a bad idea to focus on the positive.

I must say I was pleased to read her 25 things that she loves about her husband, my son. I hope he blogs the same about her. If not, I know he's busy.


25 things I love about my husband, Steve:

1. That he does love me...through tough patches and the good times. I believe he is committed to me and to us. He loves me despite my flaws.

2. I love that he loves my children, daughter-in-law, my grand-child (which is ours, even though that's a new wrap around the brain concept for him), my extended family and friends in America.

3. He works hard to provide for his loved ones.

4. He loves adrenaline-rush adventures.

5. He's a "manly-man," and yet sensitive enough to tear up at things that move him deeply...such as war heroes, children, and talking about things that are hard for him to articulate.

6. He's proud of me and what I write.

7. That he brings home "exotic" bugs and other treasures (such as a crystal vase from the last century) that he's dug up in his course of work. He's an asset inspector for PowerCor, Victoria's electricity provider, and part of that entails digging around power poles.

8. That he thinks about things that will please me, and acts on them. Such as a backroads trip in a four-wheel drive to church that he took a few days to plan, looking at maps. We arrived dusty and happy. He also plans weekend getaways and surprises me with them.

9. He's generous, and encourages me to shop for anything I need for myself or our home, and I'm never "in trouble" for anything I've spent. He's frugal, not stingy. He appreciates anything I get for him, and doesn't return gifts.

10. I love his smile, and his out-of-control-laugh.

11. That we can go anywhere, anytime, and I don't worry about his sense of direction.

12. That he can diagnose and fix anything that has an engine in it.

13. That he makes things with his hands...woodwork, metal work, etc.

14. That he can be a Christian, a follower of Christ, without being stuffy and legalistic and Pentecostal about it.

15. That when he's wrong, he can admit it, and make steps to change.

16. That he encourages me to be the best I can be...and even if he gets irritated when I'm not moving forward, he doesn't slam me down.

17. I don't love his messiness, but I know that if he weren't around, I would miss it. It's pretty minor anyway...clothes on the floor, mail on the counter...crumbs and tea bag stains, shoes and boots left where I trip on them, etc. :)

18. The way he thinks that is so different from anyone else. It's so outside the "box" of normality that he keeps me on my toes.

19. He likes music and to sing to me, and dance.

20. He's got a green thumb, especially with roses.

21. That he was in the Royal Australian Navy for six years and learned lots of discipline and useful things, and it made him into a man. (He joined when he was 16). I love that he's so patriotic.

22. That he's a volunteer firefighter. I love the way he looks in red suspenders and yellow turn-out pants and lace-up boots, and the stories he tells when he gets home.

23. He watches chick-flicks with me and actually enjoys them.

24. That he's affectionate and likes holding my hand wherever we go, and that he likes touching me.

25. That he enjoys exploring Australia with me and showing me new things.

26. He enjoys exploring America with me and meeting "my people."

27. That he brings home the newspaper nearly every day and we lively discuss what's in the news.

28. That he trusts me.

29. That he loves the sound of rain on our metal roof, the silence of an evening listening to parrots and wattle birds and magpies while enjoying a glass of wine on the verandah.

30. That he enjoys my company.

1 comment:

  1. Fun to learn even more about Steve from your list....I'd have to agree on #17...I feel the same way about Jason. :-)


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