Sunday, March 22, 2009

Photos from excursion on the Murray River

Windmill and old loading dock on Murray River.

Gum tree. I love these monoliths. So full of varied color and texture. I don't think I'll ever get tired of these.

Moonrise on the Murray late summer.

Sunset on the Murray, late summer.

Sunset with "The Liberator." Ladder to the left helps me on and off-board.

"The Liberator" at sunset on the Murray.
This is an Aussie barbecue dinner in the bush. Steve dug a long pit, filled it with wood and bark and bits and set fire. The cast iron plate is set over the pit. Once hot, the cook (which is Steve...I am the preparer) places steak, sliced onion, sliced potato, a few shrimp, and corn on the cob wrapped in aluminum foil with butter and salt over the hot plate. After dinner a tri-pod with a billy "pot" of loose-leaf tea and hot water hanging over the center is brought to a boil for a cuppa hot tea with sugar if needed.

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